Ozark Gloves

Happy new year, everyone! I hope your 2017 is filled with joy and warmth and yarn.

I gifted a few yarn-crafted items for Christmas this year, but this piece is probably my favorite. My mom had this pair of fingerless gloves that she loves, but they were falling apart, so she asked me to make her some new ones for Christmas. It was particularly important to her that they have a ruffly edge and are nice and stretchy. I found this pattern, and my mom picked out Ella Rae Lace Merino (in Macaw’s Flight #223) as the yarn. This project was my first knitted entirely on double-pointed needles. (I tried out the magic loop, but, honestly, I prefer the dpns…) I worked the pattern as written, except I added one knit round after the cast on because I wanted that really ruffly edge.

I got to take these pictures on a rare rainy day in California before I flew home for Christmas – doesn’t it look like fall? These gloves kept me feeling cozy.



My mom loves them! I almost want to make another pair for myself. They were relatively easy to make (just a simple K4, P2 rib in the round), although the 2 rounds of k2togs for the ruffle were a little painful on the dpns. And I always find it disheartening to finish one of a pair just to have to start on the other one. Another reason why I don’t knit socks.


What knitted/crochet/yarn-related things did you gift this year?


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